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Principles of Adult Education

Traditional teaching methods in medicine are gradually being replaced by those based on principles of good practice and effectiveness in the wider world of adult education.

Brookfield (1986) and Knowles (1975) described some of the fundamental principles of adult education.

Adults learn best when they 

  • Are helped reflect on their practice

  • Identify strengths and weaknesses

  • Resolve conflict between educational wants and needs

  • Negotiate their learning objectives

  • Articulate learning outcomes for themselves

  • Analyse how they have learned

  • Agree plans for further development.

Self-directed learning can be defined as

A process that involves taking the initiative with or without the help of others in diagnosing learning needs, identifying resources for learning, choosing and implementing appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes.



Modern Management of Asthma- Dr Mark Levy 20.03.24

Montelukast: Regulator reviewing asthma drug over concerns about mental health effects- –BMJ 05.03.24

8-hour time-restricted eating linked to a 91% higher risk of cardiovascular death

American Heart Association Epidemiology and Prevention -19.03.24

Minimally invasive treatment for glaucoma – Professor Philip Bloom 10.1.2024

Red flags and eye lid lumps and bumps Mr Ahmad Aziz 10.01.24

NWL Antimicrobial

NWL Referral guidelines and clinical documents 


BMJ Best practice patient leaflet

NWL integrated formulary 25.10.23

Dermatology 5.7.23


Fibromyalgia – Treatment options 

Long covid 3.3.22

Ophthalmology 21.9.22


Vascular Surgery talk 8.21.21

Geeky Medics videos for medical students 

Update on HRT

HRT - General Practice notebook

Above template -courtesy of GP notebook


Perinatal mental health

Letter from NHS re OTC (over the counter) medication for pregnant women

OTC medication list for pregnant women

External Eye disease

Common retinal medical conditions 


Nice guidance 

This page is maintained by Dr Sashi Shashikanth – Educational Lead of the group
